Welcome to Macadamia information center

The Highland Macadamia Cooperative Union Limited (HIMACUL) represents smallholder macadamia growers in Malawi. With 3800 members spread out all over the country and partners in other countries too we have gone about setting up an area where information and news can be posted and commented on.

Smallholder macadamia groups are throughout the country in Mulanje, Neno, Mwanza, Dowa, Ntchisi and Rumphi. Through investing in cooperatives and associations the annual establishment has risen to 70,000 trees a year and over 1000 Ha is currently under smallholder management in the country. The majority of this crop has been established in the last 4 years. Kernel volumes are at present small but will grow significantly as this crop matures.

Thursday, January 29

Youth Development Program

The Youth Development program continued in 2008 working with 4 secondary schools in Neno and 3 in Ntchisi. The 7 clubs containing 225 students have produced rootstocks, marked out and planted nurseries and or orchards as well as providing information on agriculture, trade and macadamia. It is hoped that the course can be extended to youth clubs/ organisations in Neno and Ntchisi, these groups could enable young people who have not attended secondary school to benefit from the course.

The course will continue in 2009 and the syllabus will broaden to include work on forestry and rearing of indigenous trees. The project team are also keen to include information on Climatic change and more importantly adaptation strategies for smallholders (diversification, land husbandry) to strengthen farming systems.

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