Welcome to Macadamia information center

The Highland Macadamia Cooperative Union Limited (HIMACUL) represents smallholder macadamia growers in Malawi. With 3800 members spread out all over the country and partners in other countries too we have gone about setting up an area where information and news can be posted and commented on.

Smallholder macadamia groups are throughout the country in Mulanje, Neno, Mwanza, Dowa, Ntchisi and Rumphi. Through investing in cooperatives and associations the annual establishment has risen to 70,000 trees a year and over 1000 Ha is currently under smallholder management in the country. The majority of this crop has been established in the last 4 years. Kernel volumes are at present small but will grow significantly as this crop matures.

Thursday, October 27

TLC-HIMACUL contract on Kuleria Biodiversity Project

TLC (Total Land Care) have contracted HIMACUL to supply macadamia services to the Kuleria Biodiversity Project. This large natural resource management project is working within 10km buffer zones around important areas of Biodiversity including Ntchisi Forest Reserve, Nkhotkota Game Park and Nyika National Park. The HIMACUL has established a large stand of macadamia, the majority of which is still to mature. As such, the organisation is in a transition phase between a crop establishment focus and commercial production. The HIMACUL has successfully established systems to handle and buy nuts. However, this system needs to be scaled up as more members enter into production and the volumes grow. Present volumes of nuts are insufficient to supply all the support services to facilitate this transition and therefore the HIMACUL will require focused support in scaling up commercial activities such as crop buying and post-harvest management. Further work is required in adding value at HIMACUL level to non-export quality nuts in shell through processing into products such as oil, animal feeds and shell products. Demand for trees is still high in all areas and, as such, maintaining the tree propagation and supply system is needed to support longer term development of volumes. The HIMACUL has a strategic plan to complete establishment of orchards with members over the next 3-5 years. Supply of trees has greatly increased over the past 3 seasons due to investment in nursery capacity and use of innovative establishment techniques. HIMACUL capacity to manage crop establishment, commercial systems and develop farmers skills is in place but requires further development in order to effectively develop the necessary skills to enable commercial success. Closer links to the existing industry need to be further nurtured and reinterpreted for the smallholder sector. HIMACUL staff members require a better grounding in commercial realities in the business and develop sound understanding of the industry and strategic goals in order to effectively communicate to farmers and leaders on the ‘bigger picture’. Purpose The purpose of this project consultancy is to foster sustainable micro-enterprise development through support for cooperative activities which promote sustainable agricultural practices, further increase the areas planted to macadamia and enable the development of macadamia based enterprises / income streams. This input will further the development of macadamia as a smallholder diversification crop and will enable HIMACUL to identify and address some key constraints and gaps in the current system. This consultancy will allow the HIMACUL structure to move to the next level while focusing activities towards sustainability and profitability. Scope of Services Work with the Kulera Project will extend HIMACUL activities and enable greater impact as well as developing further capacity within the existing structure as defined in the Terms of Reference. Services will be provided by already established structures and personnel at the existing locations as “the consultants”. HIMACUL has capacity to deliver stated activities and providing all of the services required in this contract. The consultants will be reporting directly to TLC with monthly activity and expenditure reports while TLC will be responsible for financial accounting to USAID. The consultants will ensure the continued development of the supply chains and smallholder support systems. Duration of Contract This service contract will commence in July 2011 and final submission of reports will take place July 2012.

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